It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Before I got too deep into the never-ending to-do list, I decided that it was more important for me to get off my ass and shoot some pictures. I just finished my morning coffee and I knew I had the luxury of a little bit of free time. Instead of doing what I’ve usually done in the past and tell myself “I’ll do something creative later… after I workout, after I do the yard work, after I clean the garage, after, after, after”, I just jumped in my truck with nothing but my phone, drove a couple miles down the road, and took a walk on the beach.
This turned out to be a great decision.
What’s More Important?
Making time to do creative stuff is a constant struggle for me. There’s always the endless list of things that seemingly need to get done. Too often I let these things become more important than taking the time to do something creative like going for a walk on the beach with my camera.
Of course, I know that I can’t just ignore everything. There are things that just plain need to be done in order to keep life from falling into chaos. But I can certainly get better about deciding what’s important and what can wait just a bit longer. It just comes down to priorities. Taking a walk on the beach with my camera was more important on this day. I was still able to workout when I got home. But the yard work and the garage would just have to wait a bit longer.
Yea man, I totally do the same thing! I’m a photographer from Brisbane Australia, and you’re right! It’s so easy just to dive in to weekend yard work without taking the time to at least be a little bit creative. I like to get my Drone out sometimes and get some morning shots nice and early.
It’s a constant battle for me to try and do something creative before getting sucked into the long list of chores, yard work, etc. that always needs to be done. I always go through phases where I’m more successful at it than others. Shooting pictures early in the morning would certainly help!